One thing I really like about Don and Walter is that they sculpt this production-perfect music, somewhere between 70's schlock and smooth jazz, which should by all rights be just terrible. But it's amazing stuff. Not all of it, not all of it. Some of it bombs, but more often than not, it's great listening. And then, once you're grooving along to their sound, stop a minute and listen to their lyrics. It's all about pop-culture references, drinking, drugs and sex. Seriously. I mean, they named the band after a giant metal dildo. They take these semi-taboo subjects and dress them up in FM-ready baubles, where the execs and the sheep ate 'em up and Walt and Don laughed all the way to the bank.

I had a couple of tunes I could have gone with. There's "Kid Charlemagne," about a guy who sells drugs, which is probably my favorite Steely Dan song and is easily up in the top 100 songs of all time. There's "Don't Take Me Alive" about a guy on a tower with a rifle. There's "The Fez" which is about wearing a condom when you have sex. ("Ain't never gonna do it without my fez on.") All of these come from The Royal Scam which I actually discovered first on vinyl back when I worked at a record store. I thought about going with something from Two Against Nature, a newer album from 2000, which is actually pretty good. But instead I dug deep and went with "Gaucho" from the album of the same name.

It took me a while to get into this song. The instrumentation is pretty standard soft rock, but the melody in both the verse and chorus is very abstruse. It's complicated, jagged, a little off. For Steely Dan, it's actually somewhat difficult listening. You might call it progressive or even jazzy, I suppose, but it definitely doesn't swing. Still, I really like the chorus. It's fun to sing along with both for the melody and the lyrics.

[You can listen to Steely Dan's "Gaucho" by navigating to the post "Song070" and clicking or right-clicking on the title or the link.]
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