Rodrigo Sánchez and Gabriela Quintero met in a thrash band in Mexico City and decided to make their fame and fortune by ... moving to Ireland. On one of their live discs, Gabriela tells this fantastic story about their move, the unforeseen complete frigidness of Ireland in the winter, their inability to speak nearly any English when they moved, and trying to convince their landlord to show them how to get their fireplace working.

"Diablo Rojo" (which my rudimentary Spanish translates as "Red Devil") is a very upbeat latin-rhythmed rocker. It starts with furious drumming on the guitar body, along with some severely muted strumming. This develops into a finger-picked version of the theme, which opens into a nicely strummed version. The rest of the song consists of variations on the theme, plus a mid-song percussive breakdown. In all, a fun tune and a great listen.

Hey, I just realized it's St. Patty's Day and this album has a vague Irish connection. Yay me for staying topical! Almost!
[You can listen to Rodrigo y Gabriela's "Diablo Rojo" by navigating to the post "Song053" and clicking or right-clicking on the title or the link.]
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